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We are a company which for many years has been providing legal support to employers who employ or plan to employ foreigners for their company.

Let’s contact us:

kancelaria@employerpoland.pl Emaus 40/3 Str. Cracow


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Zatrudniasz w swoim przedsiębiorstwie Cudzoziemców?

Oferujemy usługi w zakresie prawnych aspektów pobytu i pracy Obcokrajowca w Polsce.

Zajmujesz się rekrutacją bądź najmem pracowników z zagranicy do przedsiębiorstw w Polsce?

Prawne wsparcie dla Agencji Pracy Tymczasowej i Firm Outsourcingowych w Polsce

Delegujesz cudzoziemców na kontrakty do firm zagranicznych?

Usprawniamy procesy prawne związane z delegowaniem pracowników.

Jesteś cudzoziemcem? Planujesz założyć biznes w Polsce?

Doradzimy Ci najlepsze prawno-urzędowe rozwiązania.

Do you employ Foreigners in your company?

We offer services in the legal aspects of a foreigner's stay and work in Poland.

Do you recruit or hire employees from abroad for companies in Poland?

Legal support for Temporary Employment Agencies and Outsourcing Companies in Poland

Do you post foreigners to foreign companies?

We facilitate legal processes related to the posting of employees.

Are you a foreigner? Are you planning to start a business in Poland?

We will advise you on the best legal solutions.

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We are a company which for many years has been providing legal support to employers who employ or plan to employ foreigners for their company.

On their behalf we conduct a full legal process related to the employment of the Foreigner. From obtaining the Foreigner’s residence permit to ensuring that the employment thereof is properly documented. Our operating area also includes support for employers who post workers abroad or bring them to Poland.

Employing Foreigners

Posting Foreigners

Carrying out business activity by Foreginers

Legal support for outsourcing companies

We are the experts - Employer Poland
Mikro i Marko przedsiębiorstwa - Employer Poland


Whether you are the owner of a small company or a representative of a large corporation with a huge number of foreigners employed, it will be our responsibility to obtain on your behalf all kinds of permits and documents allowing to post, but also to provide legal residence and work of your employees in Poland and abroad.

Usługi kompleksowe i doraźne - Employer Poland


We cooperate with companies both in a comprehensive dimension (full package of services optimizing the acquisition of permits in accordance with Polish law, creating a full strategy for the recruitment process of foreigners, but also drawing up contracts, ongoing assistance in the field of labor law, debt collection, representing the entity before administrative bodies and courts), as well as on an a short-term basis (obtaining the required documents in case of necessity, i.e. work permits, renewal of permits, changes in applications, etc.).


The effectiveness of our actions is undoubtedly proven by numbers: 5 years of experience, including more than 40 business customers, more than 250 individual customers and as many as 1,500 positive decisions obtained. Excellent knowledge of the law, but also of administrative procedures related to employment of foreigners, posting employees, opening or transferring a company from and to Poland is a guarantee of our Clients’ business success.

Mikro i Marko przedsiębiorstwa - Employer Poland


Whether you are the owner of a small company or a representative of a large corporation with a huge number of foreigners employed, it will be our responsibility to obtain on your behalf all kinds of permits and documents allowing to post, but also to provide legal residence and work of your employees in Poland and abroad.

Usługi kompleksowe i doraźne - Employer Poland


We cooperate with companies both in a comprehensive dimension (full package of services optimizing the acquisition of permits in accordance with Polish law, creating a full strategy for the recruitment process of foreigners, but also drawing up contracts, ongoing assistance in the field of labor law, debt collection, representing the entity before administrative bodies and courts), as well as on an a short-term basis (obtaining the required documents in case of necessity, i.e. work permits, renewal of permits, changes in applications, etc.).


The effectiveness of our actions is undoubtedly proven by numbers: 5 years of experience, including more than 40 business customers, more than 250 individual customers and as many as 1,500 positive decisions obtained. Excellent knowledge of the law, but also of administrative procedures related to employment of foreigners, posting employees, opening or transferring a company from and to Poland is a guarantee of our Clients’ business success.


Co nowego?

Informujemy o wszystkich zmianach prawnych, uchwałach, ustawach i wszystkich innych regulacjach, które w naszej opinii mają związek z zatrudnianiem obcokrajowców w polskich firmach oraz delegowaniu pracowników do pracy za granicę.


What they say

Rekomendacja 1

"Mr. Tokarski and his team provide full legal services to the employees we post to work in Germany and Belgium. Always professionally and easily"

Bojan Preradovic Structura Sp. z o.o

"Employer Poland has been cooperating with our company for over 2 years. They provide comprehensive legal services to specialists from abroad, whom we employ in our branches in Kraków, Wrocław and Katowice. I recommend it!"

Anastasja Agafonova People Partners Sp. z. o.o.

What they say

Rekomendacja 1

"Mr. Tokarski and his team provide full legal services to the employees we post to work in Germany and Belgium. Always professionally and easily"

Bojan Preradovic Structura Sp. z o.o

"Employer Poland has been cooperating with our company for over 2 years. They provide comprehensive legal services to specialists from abroad, whom we employ in our branches in Kraków, Wrocław and Katowice. I recommend it!"

Anastasja Agafonova People Partners Sp. z. o.o.


Let's contact Us!

Contact us, tell us your expectations and needs and we will offer you the most optimal solutions for your business.


Skontaktuj się z nami

Skontaktuj się z nami, przedstaw nam swoje oczekiwania i potrzeby, a my zaproponujemy Ci najbardziej optymalne rozwiązania dla Twojego biznesu.

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