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We are a company which for many years has been providing legal support to employers who employ or plan to employ foreigners for their company.

Let’s contact us:

kancelaria@employerpoland.pl Emaus 40/3 Str. Cracow


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In the fight against the economic consequences of the coronavirus epidemic, the Government proposes a number of solutions, the main goal being defence against job losses, support for health care, financial system security, support for entrepreneurs and public investments. The fight against the economic consequences of the epidemic is to be based on five pillars. The estimated value of the

According to the announcement posted in the website of the National Labour Inspectorate in the scope of referring employees for preventive medical examinations and conducting occupational health and safety training, taking into account the state of epidemic threat and the regulation of the Minister of Health of 20 March 2020 regarding the announcement of the state of the epidemic in